Channel: TheRaspberryPiGuy
Category: Entertainment
Tags: quick63mm30km/hbrushlessprojectbritishlumix g7pi zerowii remotelipozerohighdiybill gates buildingsuppliescambridgehandmadetrucksbudgetlongboardraspberryneistatlumix gh38 amp hourgithubeasypetrol22vmotorskateboardnintendomotoriseduniversitywiimotevideobatteryspeedaliensystemshelmettutorialpowerboosted80ampcontrollercaliberelectriccollegessickboardscaseycheapnew yorkawesomefastescbluetoothgravityaluminiumpiboard
Description: Over the summer, I made my own electric skateboard using a £4 Raspberry Pi Zero. Controlled with a Nintendo Wiimote, capable of going 30km/h, and with a range of over 10km, this project has been pretty darn fun. In this video, you see me racing around Cambridge and I explain the ins and outs of this project. Why make an electric skateboard?! Well... This project was inspired by Casey Neistat, enough said?: Also shoutout to one of the original Pi skateboarders, Tim Maier: INFORMATION: View the code and parts list on GitHub! THANK YOU: Huge thank you to Brian Corteil and Rob Karpinski for their help in making this project. Another huge thank you to Michele Pascale for his help in filming this video. Liked the electric skateboard?! Want to see more cool content?! Don't forget to like, subscribe and share! And follow me on Twitter: @RaspberryPiGuy1 The Raspberry Pi Guy Shot in Cambridge in 4K using the Panasonic Lumix GH3 and G7. MUSIC: Valesco - Cloud 9, can be found here: