Channel: LFP Gaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: youtubegaminggamedivinity chronicles journey to the westvideo gamedivinitychroniclesjourneytothewestdivinitychroniclescomputerstreamerfirst impressionsdivinity chroniclesstreamslay the spirereviewgamessteamfirst impressiongameplay
Description: I check out Divinity Chronicles Journey to the West. It's a clone of Slay the Spire, but is it a GOOD clone? You can buy Steam games DIRECTLY from developers at or you can also support the channel at The game is available on Steam: #DivinityChroniclesJourneytotheWest #DivinityChronicles #review A key for the game was provided free of charge by the devs. 0:00 Opening Opinion 11:37 Gameplay 2:41:48 Final Opinion