Channel: dope2111
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: makeupdisney kidsangelina joliemakeup 2019dope2111 makeup tutorialsdope2111halloweendisney maleficentmakeup tutorialcostumecostume ideasdisney makeup videomakeup tagsmakeup angelina joliemovies 2019transformationmakeup promise phanmaleficentmakeoverdisneyeasy makeup tutorialmaleficent makeup dope2111disney videosmakeup looksmaleficent makeup tutorialmakeup transformationmaleficent mistress of evil
Description: Thank you Disney for sponsoring this video! Get your tickets now to watch Maleficent: Mistress of Evil here: If you guys haven’t heard, the NEW Maleficent: Mistress of Evil movie is coming out this Friday, October 18th. In honor of the film, I wanted to create an updated Maleficent Angelina Jolie Makeup transformation. I am such a big fan of Angelina Jolie and honestly no one brings the Maleficent character to life better than her. Also, her look in it is so iconic with the high cheekbones, red lips, and striking green eyes. I could recreate this look over and over like a hundred times. Make sure to recreate this look and tag me so I can share your amazing creations in my social media. Happy October & thanks so much for watching!