Channel: David Hoffman
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: robert kennedyradicalsjanuary 6jan 6 commissionpartisan divideinsurrectionextreme leftvietnam protestsattack on the capitolamerican political historyantiwar movementvietnam warmartin luther kingdavid hoffman filmmakerjanuary 6th insurrection livedonald trumpjanuary 6thamerican historyjan 6vietnam war stories told by veteransjanuary 6th committeeextreme rightcollege student experiences19681968 college
Description: The speaker is Doug MacAdam, a Stanford professor who has written 12 books and dozens of articles on the social movements of the 1960s. I did this interview in 1989 as part of my six part television series on the 1960s looked at from the end of the 1980s. 1968 was a very intense year in America and affected us for years after. At the start of 68, the differences between those who supported the Vietnam War and those who were against it were becoming more and more intense. At the same time, the civil rights movement was becoming noisier and noisier and beginning to fracture into black power versus Martin Luther King and his peaceful movement for integration. January 6, 2021 was another of those fracturing experiences that has pushed Americans, young and old, to take sides that seem to have no middle ground. I am concerned for my country and have been posting video clips from my historical archives that I hope help folks to look at these issues with the understanding that for many conflicts in America, there was a time in history where Americans experienced this kind of fracture before. It seems to me that 1968 in America was one of those moments.