Channel: Guru Mann Fitness
Category: Sports
Tags: gurubodybuilding supplementsmanndetox the bodybest way to detoxdetoxliver detoxgm nutritionmifibody cleansingguru mann detoxremove toxin from bodyguru manndetox naturallygurumanndetoxificationhow to detox the bodydetox supplements
Description: 🛑Sample 2 Days Detox Routine ————— ▪️8am Juicing Carrots + Ginger + Orange ▪️9:30am Green Tea ▪️11:30am Smoothie Banana + Seeds + Almond Milk or Soy Milk or Coconut Milk (or Coconut Water) ▪️1:30pm Vegetable Salad Cucumber + Tomato + Lettuce/Cabbage/Kale ▪️4pm Juicing Carrots + Apple + beet Roots (add spinach, celery) ▪️5:30pm Green Tea/Herbal Tea ▪️8pm Soup Vegetable soup (no salt/oil) Or ▪️Vegetable Salad Cucumber + Tomato + Lettuce/Cabbage/Kale/Spinach ——————————- 1 Litre water with Lemon 2.5 Litres plain water ——————————-