Channel: Random Hands
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: brokenrestorebroken iphone xs maxiphone 11 pro maxiphoneappleiphone 11 proiphone 11iphone xs max restorationiphone xs maxiphone restorationrestorationrandom hands
Description: In this video I am going to restore my iPhone XS Max and converting my Steel iPhone to 24k Golden Edition. This iphone was badly broken and it was a great challenge for us to restore it and Guys believe me, we never ever had experienced to repair a smart phone before. And truly i did not imagine that it will work again but a lot of Hard work made it work and it was even better than it's original color. 24 Karat Gold was looking awesome on this phone and it was a great pleasure for us that we did it.Must share your opinions in comment box. Destroyed iPhone XS Max - GOLD Restoration #GOLD #RandomHands iPhone XS Max was fully broken. It was a quick restoration video, hopefully you encourage me to do s Gold plating video on apple iPhone 11 pro max in near future. Here are my other projects you may like: Turning my Vintage Revolver into 24 Karat GOLD Vintage Italian Sun Glasses - GOLD PLATING Restoration Turning Apple Watch into 24K Gold Watch