Channel: Omni Rider
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: youtubersbikers vs carsmotorcycles vs cars5 words or lessdescribing almost every major automotiveautosomni ridercar memesdescribing everybikerscar guyscar channelbladed angelomnirider
Description: Despite streaming services getting all the buzz lately, namely Disney Plus, there's still one platform that has adapted throughout the years to remain the de facto 'streaming' platform. YouTube. Not only is it the second largest search engine in the world, it's also home to many of your favorite car guys, girls, and biker bros. In this video, I'm going to speed run through as many YouTubers as I possibly can awhile describing them in 5 words or less. Follow me on these social media platforms like now: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instagram - omnirider twitter - @omni_rider facebook - @OmniRider Come Ride W/ Me (Bring a Motorcycle) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Quick Trip Gas Station or 19815 N 7th St, Phoenix, AZ 85024 Time: Every Friday at 9PM MST or Arizona Time Zone What I'll be wearing: Typically high viz (highlighter yellow) & white gear