Channel: CareerVidz
Category: Education
Tags: what are 5 words to describe yourself?how to describe yourself examplesdescribe yourself in one wordintroduce yourselfhow do you answer 3 things about yourself?describe yourself in three wordstell me about yourselfdescribe yourself in 3 wordsinterview questions and answerswhy should we hire youbest words o use to describe yourself in an interviewhow to describe yourself in a job interviewwords to describe yourself in an interview
Description: DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN 3 WORDS! (How to ANSWER this Tricky Interview Question!) #InterviewQuestions #JobInterviews #InterviewQuestionsAndAnswers In this tutorial, interview expert Richard McMunn teaches you how to answer the difficult interview question: DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN 3 WORDS! Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel and give the video a LIKE (Thank you đ) ************************************************************* ************************************************************************ TO HELP YOU ANSWER THE INTERVIEW QUESTION, DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN 3 WORDS, I will cover the following 3 things: #1. I will explain why the hiring manager is asking you the interview question, describe yourself in 3 words? If you understand why the question is being asked, it allows you to give the perfect answer! #2. I will give you a list of 12 words you can use to describe yourself in a positive way in your interview and then all you need to do is choose the 3 words that are applicable to you. #3. I will give you 3 examples of top-scoring answers in a live interview and all you have to do is choose which answer option you think is the strongest. WHY IS THE HIRING MANAGER ASKING YOU THE INTERVIEW QUESTION, DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN 3 WORDS? They are asking you this question to assess whether you know yourself, and how you are going to contribute to their company. If you donât know yourself, and more importantly you canât describe yourself in 3 words, you probably wonât be able to add value to their team. Now, whenever you answer the interview question, describe yourself in 3 words, make sure you tell the interviewer how the 3 words you give them will be of benefit to their company in the role. A LIST OF 12 WORDS YOU CAN USE TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN AN INTERVIEW: 02:27 3 BRILLIANT LIVE ANSWERS IN A JOB INTERVIEW TO THE TOUGH QUESTION, DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN 3 WORDS. DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN 3 WORDS! ANSWER OPTION #1 07:19 DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN 3 WORDS! ANSWER OPTION #2 08:07 DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN 3 WORDS! ANSWER OPTION #3 08:59 MORE GREAT JOB INTERVIEW TRAINING TUTORIALS BY RICHARD MCMUNN ON YOUTUBE.COM TO HELP YOU PREPARE FOR A PHONE INTERVIEW. How to introduce yourself in a job interview: What's your biggest weakness best answer: TOP 21 Quick answers to interview questions: 17 Advanced Words for Job interviews: CONNECT WITH RICHARD MCMUNN ON LINKEDIN.COM: ************************************************************* ************************************************************************