Channel: The Grand Sound
Category: Music
Tags: deep house radiomusic radiochill musicdeep house mixdeep housechill housemusic live streamdeephousehousedeepmelodic deep househouse deephouse musicdeep house 2022best deep housedeep house musicchill radiolive radionew deep housemusic radio livedeep house mix 2022
Description: Our favorite Deep House and Melodic Deep music tracks for a perfect studying, chilling, or working session. Our live radio stream is here for you 24/7. ❤ 🎧Our Playlists ↪︎ Deep House: ↪︎ Progressive House: 🔗More The Grand Sound ↪︎ Telegram: ↪︎ TikTok: ↪︎ Instagram: ↪︎ Website: 🏆Become a Member / Patron ↪︎ YouTube: ↪︎ Patreon: 🦜Chat with us on Discord ↪︎ 📸Photos by Unsplash ↪︎ 🤖Bot powered by Nightbot ↪︎ ▬▬▬ Chat Commands ▬▬▬ !love ➟ Vote up and add a 💗 to the current track/song. (Also works with !like or !awesome) !track ➟ Get the name of the current track. (Also works with !song) !next ➟ Show the next playing track name. !previous ➟ Get the previously played track name. !spotify ➟ Find the current track on Spotify. !apple ➟ Find the current track on Apple Music. !youtube ➟ Find the current track on YouTube. !soundcloud ➟ Find the current track on SoundCloud. !google ➟ Google search the current track. !hug [NAME] ➟ send your friend a hug! !key ➟ Learn the key to success. !inspire ➟ Your daily inspirational quote. !uptime ➟ Shows the time since we started the stream. !social ➟ Where to find us online. !report [MESSAGE] ➟ Report errors in the live stream to our team. ▬▬▬ Chat Rules ▬▬▬ - No negativity towards anyone - No racism/discrimination - No advertising/sub-begging - No spam and/or excessive use of emoji - Main language is English - Have fun! 😀 #DeepHouse #StudyMusic #TheGrandSound