Channel: The Brainwave Hub - Sleep, Focus, Mindfulness
Category: Music
Tags: isochronic tonesdeep focus piano music for studyingmusic for studyingambient music for studyingambient musicdeep focusrhythmic entrainmentmusic for studying and concentrationbrainwave entrainmentmusic for reading and concentrationambient music for studying and concentration
Description: Calm, tranquil, deep focus piano music for studying academic material, or leisurely reading. This piano track was improvised and then combined with rhythmic entrainment (isochronic tones) to foster mind states for relaxed study. No blitzing your ears with rapid fire high-beta waves, just smooth, gentle high alpha/low beta 12-15hz frequencies. These rhythmic brainwave entrainment frequencies provide the optimal balance between intense focus and relaxed mental states for reading and concentration. Here at The Hub we have a history of helping students focus through the use of soothing ambient music for reading and concentration. We're always looking to improve, so if you have feedback, we're all ears. How Do I use This? Simply listen as you go about your study. Start at '0' volume and turn it up until you can just about perceive the pulses. Alternatively you may want them to be a bit more prominent, which is fine also. The gentle pulses (isochronics) have the effect of focusing your attention onto the task at hand through a process called Rhythmic Entrainment, aka brainwave entrainment. Different frequencies result in varying states of awareness, from sleep to hyper-alertness. The stimulus which entrains the brain to these states can be either visual or auditory, with the latter being the most common. This track uses auditory entrainment of course. Headphones are generally recommended though not always necessary in the case of isochronic tones. Questions for you to ponder after listening (Feel free to share your observations in the comment section): Are you able to study for longer periods with this type of music? Do you feel more mentally energized? Are you better able to retain key information? Does the music help trigger new, creative ideas? How would you describe your mood?