Channel: airgunsofarizona
Category: Sports
Tags: how to clean airgundaystatecleaning a chronographcleaning daystate delta wolfairgun reviewcleaning airguncleaning a chronyairgun chronographairgunsfarizonadaystate delta wolfairgun bootcampair riflesdelta wolfdeltawolfairguns
Description: In our Airgun Bootcamp series, we take a look at some airgunning basics and attempt to give answers, tips and instructions. In this episode of Airgun Bootcamp, we take a look at how to clean the chronograph on the Daystate Delta Wolf. The Delta Wolf has an electronic controlled firing system, and the chronograph is there to test the velocity and then report back to the computer for adjustment from shot-to-shot. Over time, this can accumulate lead dust, and this video shows how to easily clean the unit. Stay tuned for more great Airgun Bootcamp videos! #Daystate #DeltaWolf #Bootcamp