Channel: Jesus Conde
Category: Education
Tags: digital painting concentrationpainting animehow to concentrate while paintingmore changespainting a girlpainting portraitspainting 1 hour everdayautum leaf paintingday7no nudityjesus ondeconcentration while paintingpractice painting 1 hour everdaypainting tutorialday 7digital painting tutorial in photoshopprogress everydaypainting a robot girl
Description: Hello guys! in this episode we are going to be talking a bit about concentration while painting as well as making more changes to the image. I think I'm finally satisfied with how is looking and from this video on we will concentrate on details. join my youtube channel or follow me on Twitter and Instagram. Please follow! leave a comment or a like! Have a good day everyone! See you tomorrow My social media: Check out older Other videos: If you want to learn how to divide your screen: Download a pencil Can I draw like Alan lee?: Portfolio Tips: Michael Adamis Brushes: