Channel: Quantum Gravity Research
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: quasiparticlequantum worldmagnetic fieldmathematicsscientistmathsmandelbrot setquantumresearch scientistgraphenequasicrystalparticle theoryphysicselectronquantum fractaltopologicallyhofstadtertopologyfeigenbaum setquantum gravity researchmathematiciandavid chesterquantum gravityemergence theoryphysicistsolid state physicssciencefractalquasicrystallineparticle physicsmathindubala satijaquantum physicsnumber theorymathematical
Description: David Chester is a research scientist at Quantum Gravity Research. These series of lectures are a review of the book “Butterfly in the Quantum World: The story of the most fascinating quantum fractal” by Dr. Indubala Satija, a Professor at George Mason University. These lectures discuss the mathematical aspects of Hofstadter’s butterfly. This fractal describes the energy levels of electrons as a function of the magnetic field for a particular class of 2D lattices. Such a system has a mysterious connection to number theory and topology. Additionally, the butterfly relates to various fractal structures, including the Mandelbrot set, and relates to notions of universality found in a wide variety of physical systems. You can find out more about David Chester here: