Channel: Hazelnuttygames
Category: Gaming
Tags: dausegne tank guidedausegne sepulcher of the first onesheroic dausegnedausegne heroic guidehazelnuttygamesdausegnesepulcher of the first ones guidesepulcher of the first ones heroicdausegne boss guidedausegne bossnormal dausegnedausegne normaldausegne normal guidemythic dausegnedausegne heroicdausegne healer guidedausegne guidesepulcher of the first onesdausegne mythicheroic sepulcher of the first ones
Description: Dausegne, but again! Normal and Dausegne Heroic guide! Dausegne is a raid boss in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid of Shadowlands. She's a Fallen Oracle, and to defeat her you'll need to keep a careful eye on your debuffs. Hazel is partnered with BLD by NZXT! This Dausegne boss guide will show you the Dausegne abilities that you'll see in the Normal, Heroic and LFR versions of the Dausegne fight. Mythic Dausegne has additional mechanics not shown in this Normal and Heroic Dausegne guide. Footage of Dausegne for this boss guide is from PTR raid testing and some mechanics may look different or change when the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid releases on live servers starting March 1st. The key to Dausegne is avoiding her frontal cone attack, saving cooldowns (both healer and DPS) for her Reservoir Siphon phase when she runs out of mana and getting through the Disintegration Halo rings with enough time in between each for the debuff to fall off. Kick and kill Dominion Core adds quickly, stack in front of the Staggering Barrage target on Heroic (but don't soak two in a row!) and you should be all set versus Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle. Catch a live stream from me on Twitch! Follow me on Twitter: