Channel: 2muchhair
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: shampoohair tutorialscalp cleaningbeautycandleshair unitprofessionalmade haircarehead scratchhairdandruff regimenwigscalpeczemaregimenk taylorscalp scratchingflakey scalpcbdktaylor hairdandruffmade menmoisturecleanflakeshealthyasmrput on icedemonstrationmade hairsalon
Description: HEY YALL!!!! Since you cant get to your hair care professional, we decided to bring the professional to you! I have Kia Taylor with here demonstrating a proper shampoo and information about the "Put On Ice" dandruff line at M.A.D.E. HAIRCARE. I have been using 3 different lines in most of my scratching videos, those are Kirk Pro, Widin Hair, and M.A.D.E. HAIRCARE. I have my specifics for using each one on different clients. We've been using the Put on Ice line in the salon for about 3 years and still love it just much as the 1st day. You can order your set directly from the manufacturer at and use coupon code 2Much10 for 10% off of your total sale. Please be sure to comment below once you've tried it out. Please let me as well as our youtube community know how you feel about it by leaving a comment. I would also love it if you decided to ake your own video with your results. Follow me on instagram @2muchhair and Kia at @KtaylorHair As always Thank You for your view, and BE NICE!!