Channel: Brownells, Inc.
Category: Sports
Tags: carrying a gunpreparing for trainingfirearm trainingpersonal defense gunshooting instructionself-defensebrownells daily defenseself-defense gunccwconcealed carrypersonal defensedaily carrytrident conceptstriconjeff gonzalestraining load outpreparing for a classedcshooting instructorpersonal safetyevery day carryself-defense trainingnavy sealmore episodesfirearms trainingeveryday carrygear needed for classtraining gear
Description: You've selected a well-qualified shooting instructor whose teaching style will be good for you, and you've signed up for your first class. Now, how do you prepare for it? Some instructors provide "homework" to read before the class: print materials, websites or videos. If they don't, you can ask. Take the instructor's GEAR LIST seriously and bring the right gear. Don't have an item(s) on the gear list? Ask the instructor if not having it is a deal-breaker; you may be able to rent or borrow it. Start rounding up the items you need early; as we've seen in the last few years, guns, ammo, and magazines can be in short supply! Plan your transportation and lodging well ahead of time. Hit the maps to check the route to the training facility, and figure out how much time is needed to get there on time. On the day of the class, bring your gear and "comfort items": food, water, extra clothing, sunscreen, bug spray, first aid "ow-y" items, and the like. When you arrive, be a good student. Check your preconceived notions at the door and be open to new ideas. If you don't understand something, ASK QUESTIONS. The more you get out of the class, the more you'll enjoy it, and the more return you'll get on your time and money.