Channel: Hood Affairs
Category: Entertainment
Tags: dababy reaction to rolling stonedababy walmart shooting footagerolling stone says that dababy didn't shoot in self defensedababy fightrap newsrolling stone leaked footagedababy documentaryhip hop newsdababy lawyers respond to footagedababy walmart shootingdababy responds to the rolling stone articledababy interviewdababy charged with assaultdababy vlog
Description: Dababy has responded to leaked footage of his 2018 Walmart incident by Rolling Stone Magazine who insinuates that Dababy didn't react in self defense. Dababy lawyers have responded to the article saying that the D.A. and the judge have already reviewed the footage. Quick question, is being a rapper dangerous ? A daily hip hop show that brings you behind the scenes footage from in da hood or interviews with celebrities and influencers from viral videos or trending videos across the web. Hood Affairs provides documentaries , web series and live news stories that may contain true crime or scripted television. #hiphop #rap #dababy