Channel: lignum
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: wooden facadecurved sidingsiding ideasglulamcurvedsiding instalationbent woodfacadeinstalationbent laminationwoodworkingsiding designdesignassemblywooden sidingwoodcurved facadelarchtimelapsearchitecturesidingcurved woodspeedupsiding boardsiding example
Description: After production of all the siberian larch glulam pieces, this video is a shortened version of assembly process. Each curved glulam piece is stained with two coats of water resistant water based coating and then transported to assembly location. Staircase around which the wooden siding was assembled is made from foam concrete blocks. First we attached vertical two by fours to the wall using concrete foam anchors. Between we packed heath insulation wool and covered it all up with black vapor permeable membrane. On top of membrane we then attached another set of vertical slats distanced from the membrane to achieve the desired curve of glued wood pieces. Each curved glulam piece is then attached to these slats with simple metal brackets. Total assembly took us around four days. Thank you for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe! :D Part one (production of curved siding pieces): My instagram: My Website: Music: when Johnny comes marching home by Patrick Gilmore, played by Cooper Cannell