Channel: Vanessa Van Edwards
Category: Education
Tags: science of peoplenonverbal communicationverbal communicationvanessa van edwardscommunication
Description: Cues has been 17 years in the making and I wanted to share my why story. As a recovering awkward person myself, I made it my mission to study what makes people tick. In building my social skills, I noticed that highly charismatic people had similar social cues within their verbal, nonverbal, vocal, and imagery cues. I thought charisma was innate! But I know that charisma can be learned and I'm excited to share the science with you. Preorder your copy of Cues today and master the secret language of charismatic communication: ****** Hi, I’m Vanessa! You deserve more. More influence, more income, more of what you want. I would be honored to help you. My name is Vanessa Van Edwards and I’m a recovering awkward person. I’m also the bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People ( and creator of People School( My goal is simple: Help YOU get to your goals faster. Never be overlooked, interrupted or forgotten again. Do you want to be the most likable person in the room? Get my FREE guide now: ****** PS - Join the conversation on social! ☞ Facebook: ☞ Twitter: ☞ Instagram: