Channel: AApV - Vids For Kids
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: playtoddlerskindergartenforcraftvideossimplelearningalphabetcutebuildingvideos for kids´ to watch and learnchildrenbirdbuildercubezoofunnyletterskidstoychildhoodlearncartoonblocksflamingopreschoolersnurserycartoonsbuildcraftingvideos for childrencubesanimatedanimalpreschoolfunplayblocks
Description: We are also on ROKU TV Cube Builder series of cartoon videos are dedicated to stimulating and learning children´s creative imagination and be relaxing and simple at the same time with original music for children and absolutely non violent with lots of nice and bright colors. Another issue narrated Cube Builder this time with pink bird Flamingo from cubes and Bricks or other different geometry objects for our little zoo in infinite Cube Builder series dedicated to Building things out of many cubes. Name of the Flamingo gets narrated so kids can learn how to spell and pronounce this particular species along with learning alphabet and different letters. It is something like building out of Lego or minecraft Bricks only with help of some 3d Animation magic.