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CS:GO Rewind 2018

Duration: 18:09Views: 1.5MLikes: 81.7KDate Created: Jan, 2019

Channel: Vital CSGO

Category: Gaming

Tags: acevitalcsgoastralis journeypewdiepiesk gamingfaze clanbestfunny momentscsgo compilationbut it's actually goodcloud9 journeypewdiepie rewindbest of 2018nafmajor finalmomentscoldzeranavistreamforsaken cheatings1mplecs:go rewind vitalcsgomibrastralistwitchninjas in pyjamascs:go rewind 2018cs:go rewind 2019nikocs:go rewind 2017virtus procloud9highlightsfallendev1cecsgoyoutube rewindcs:go best moments

Description: ►My Twitter: twitter.com/vitalcsgo1 ►Become my Patreon: patreon.com/vitalcsgo ►Patreons: Kyle Tomaro DanDaMan C9_FRKYPNT toMy Moeffer sebmastr3 ♪ Music list of second video part: goo.gl/Ft4a3P ►Other credits: Dėkingas Neriūnei kad pabuvo operatorium ;) Thank you to everyone for being part of this video and making it possible ♡ ESL go.twitch.tv/esl_csgo ESL Youtube goo.gl/PYPBeJ ELEAGUE go.twitch.tv/eleaguetv Dreamhack twitch.tv/dreamhackcs FaceIT twitch.tv/faceittv FACEIT Youtube youtube.com/faceit BeyondTheSummit twitch.tv/beyondthesummit Starladder twitch.tv/starladder_cs_en BLASTProSeries twitch.tv/blastproseries Lars Løkke Speech: goo.gl/qKUU57 ►The people or their voiceovers that are featured in the video advertisement are not associated with the promoted products. ►Big thanks for Allef Designs for making me and new youtube profile picture and other banners twitter.com/allefdesigns ►Enjoy the video? Drop a like and write a comment! ►Join my steam group! goo.gl/8CqKgv The content on this YouTube Channel is transformative in nature, therefore falls under fair use.

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