Channel: David Hay
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: erc20 walletauthy appaltcoins to sellerc20ethereumgoogle chromebasic attention token reviewicoupholdbrave browser speed testauthydavid haybrave browserbrendan eichaltcoinbat cryptocurrencycrypto newsbasic attention tokenbat tokencrypto reviewaltcoins to buychrome browsercrypto riotuphold walletcryptocurrencycrypto currency newsethereum walletbat token priceshitcoins
Description: Try the Brave browser here: More information about the BAT Token can be found here: Browser speed tests published by Brave can be found here: The Brave web browser is open source and based on google chrome ERC 20 Token Ranked 58th with a market cap of 380 million dollars Current price of $0.38 In a future update, Brave will implement BAT Ads,[22] a program designed to pay users in the platform's cryptocurrency (BAT) for viewing advertisements as compensation for their attention.[23] Although the Brave web browser is co-developed with Basic Attention Token by Brave Software, the two remain distinct projects. BAT is not limited to the Brave web browser and may be integrated into other web browsers and applications. Brendan Eich, inventor of the Javascript programming language, co-founder of Mozilla and Firefox. What is it? The BAT token is designed to correctly value and price user attention within the platform. A utility token for browsing the web The good Itās a new web browser based on chrome that has a much more aggressive popup blocker Cuts out ads on youtube Fees involved Cost 10 bat to withdraw + $2.99 Uphold also charges "open" accounts (accounts with any amount of money in it) a fee if they're inactive for 90 days. That fee can climb up to $10/month. Just for holding? I thought it was just for withdrawal? This is what it says on the website for Holding and opening an account: FREE. It is free to open an account and hold value with Uphold. Uphold accounts are free to members who maintain active accounts. Accounts that are inactive or have not conducted any transactions for at least 90 days are considered inactive and will start to incur inactive account fees. To learn more visit our FAQ So as long as I buy some BAT every 90 days I'll be good. Which I have been : ) Upload requires KYC for anything over $1000, they also require you install a chrome extension for 2FA called AUTHY You need to sign up for a separate service to actually collect brave