Channel: o SHOW o
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: crushingmentosexperimentscrushing cartop 10water balloons vs carslimeamazinglife hacksshreddingsatisfying asmrexperimentcarcrushing by carcoca-colacrunchystop motionjellyfunny balloondestructionsoftslow motiontestcocaslime asmrtrickscrushing things by carsatisfyingcoca colaexperiment carglossy slimecar vsfastgiantstest exchallengeasmrcrushing things with carvscarros
Description: Warning! Dangerous crash test, don´t try this by yourself!! Crushing Crunchy & Soft Things by Car! EXPERIMENT: CAR vs Coca Cola, Fanta, Mirinda Balloons o SHOW o If you like this video don't forget to like, share and subscribe :) Thank you so much !