Channel: Witty Gritty Studio
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: tracingwatercolor brusheswatercolor for beginnerstricksproduct reviewwatercolor paintdemotipscricutlight padcricut brightpad reviewwatercolortutorialsreviewbeginner watercolorswatercolor 101tracing boardwatercolor papercricut brightpadgiveaway
Description: Hi everybody! Join me today as I review the wonderful new Brightpad from Cricut! I'll walk you through its features and why It's the best tracing light pad I've tried! :) GIVEAWAY DETAILS: Thank you SO much for all the entries! The giveaway is now closed and the winner has been selected! Please be on the look out for future giveaway videos and thanks again for the support! Click here to see the Cricut Brightpad: Special thanks to: Ashish Arora Follow us on Instagram: @thewittygrittypaperco Reach Out: Shop The Collection: Request A Video: