Channel: whoisthisgit
Category: Gaming
Tags: playstation 3sonic the hedgehogbadfunkotroncreepy momentsplaystation 5playstation 4boss analysissega mega drivetoejam & earlgenesisendingssega genesissegawhoisthisgittoejam & earl 3xbox one97creepy bad endingsxbox 360toejam & earl: back in the groovesonicaliensearthlingsxboxmega drivethetoejamxbox series xendinghedgehogtoejam & earl: panic on funkotronearlcreepy
Description: Toejam & Earl, the two groovy aliens from the distant planet of Funkotron. One day, when cruising the galaxy in their awesome rocketship, Toejam makes the mistake of letting Earl take the controls and promptly crashes it onto a planet you may have heard of: Earth. Now the pair will need to find all ten parts of the spaceship and escape the deadly earthlings who threaten their very lives... Bad endings. I don't know about anyone else, but they terrify me. Just when the hero(es) thought everything was finally right, just when it looked like peace had finally returned to the world, something happens that, at best, creates a bittersweet victory and, at worst, spoils everything and the enemies win, despite everything that happened throughout your adventure. Bad endings don't give you any second chances, you screwed things up for everyone and you must pay dearly... Credit goes to Neon Slice for creating the brick pixel art in the thumbnail: Credit goes to Dinomite for designing the thumbnail: Want more Creepy Bad Endings? Check out the playlist: