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Credit To Nicolas Jover As Arsenal Grind Out West Ham Win!

Duration: 38:20Views: 57.4KLikes: 1.4KDate Created: May, 2022

Channel: AFTV

Category: Sports

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Description: Set Pieces Crucial As Arsenal Grind Out West Ham Win! | Tactical Insight Show It wasn’t pretty but still plenty for James & Graham to get stuck into as Nicolas Jover, Arsenal’s set piece coach, saw his team show off his great work in a game that saw goals from set pieces scored by the Gunners, and the Hammers’ similar threat nullified. Another huge three points sealed! 0:00 - Intro 4:14 - Match Stats 7:18 - Nicolas Jover & Set Pieces 10:11 - Holding Goal 13:17 - Holding Stats 16:02 - Arsenal’s Shape 22:20 - Nketiah’s Stats 25:14 - Ramsdale Lucky? 30:22 - Round-Up Stats 33:26 - Big Week Ahead We’ve partnered with Klasha - the app that connects Africa to the world, and the world to Africa - so our fans in Nigeria can make purchases from international brands, online and seamlessly! 💸 Click the link, download the app, and stand a chance of winning $1000 straight to your Klasha wallet 👉 klasha.onelink.me/cSp3/jxtdefpi #ad A big thank you to Shuttlers for helping us with our travel around Nigeria. Download the Shuttlers app and book your ride to wherever you need to go in Nigeria: bit.ly/AFTVShuttlers ☑️Try the full AFTV VIP experience (aftv.mobi/) FREE for 2 weeks, with exclusive new shows, all our YouTube content ad-free, an in-game Opta match centre, team selectors, daily polls, world-class news articles, as well as brilliant competitions including; opportunities to appear on AFTV and much more. *Just £2.99/month after the free trial period* 🎥 Subscribe to us on YouTube: bit.ly/AFTVYT 📸 Follow us on Instagram: bit.ly/AFTVIG 👤 Follow us on Facebook: bit.ly/AFTVFB 💬 Follow us on Twitter: bit.ly/AFTVTwitter 📲 Follow us on TikTok: bit.ly/AFTVTT 👀 Subscribe to us on Snapchat: bit.ly/AFTVSC 🤖 Join our Reddit: bit.ly/AFTVReddit 📺 Follow us on Twitch: bit.ly/AFTVTwitch 🎧 Listen to all AFTV podcasts: bit.ly/AFTVPodcasts 🔑 Join AFTV VIP for exclusive content: aftv.mobi/#! 🛍 Shop for AFTV Merch: shop.aftv.co.uk 🖥 Visit our website: aftv.co.uk 🔴 AFTV is the largest football fan network in the world! With a bias towards Arsenal Football Club, we are the place where the fan’s uncensored opinion can be heard before, during and after the whistle blows. Join in the banter and follow us for football previews, watch alongs, fan cams, podcasts and more. This is where the world watches, and the voice of the fan is heard! 🙋 Do you have a suggestion for content that you would like to see on AFTV? ➡️ Fill out this quick suggestion form and we might use your idea: bit.ly/3iork8J ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Football is a vibrant game and fans are passionate. Colourful language is sometimes used, and controversial opinions expressed. Content is often streamed live, and we are not always able to edit or censor material in advance. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. The thoughts, views and opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily purport to be or reflect those of AFTV. #AFTV #Arsenal #Football #AFTVNigeriaTour

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