Channel: Tempest Rings
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how towedding ringlatheshopringengagement ringdrill presswhite opalsythetic opalabrassivetungstenwoodworkingdiytempest ringsacryliccrushed opalwoodmineralweddingmakeetsy sellerwood ringengagmenttungsten ringmakerblue opalsatisfyingsandjewlerysyntheticwalnutringsbentwood ringopaletsypolishwalnut burl
Description: ALL RINGS 40% OFF BLACK-FRIDAY(11/29) @ In this video I created a ring from a mixture of lavender and white opal cast on a tungsten core. I tried to do a alternating pattern for a small amout of ombré. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think! My Shop: My Instagram: My Facebook: