Channel: Tempest Rings
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how towedding ringlatheshopcopper ringringengagement ringdrill presswhite opalsythetic opalbubingaabrassivetungstenwoodworkingdiytempest ringsacryliccrushed opalcopperwoodmineralweddingmakeetsy sellerwood ringengagmentmakerblue opalsatisfyingbrasssandjewlerysyntheticwalnutringsbrass ringbentwood ringopaletsypolishwalnut burl
Description: ALL RINGS 20% OFF IN SEPTEMBER @ This ring was made using copper tube, half round brass wire and waterfall bubinga wood. I inlaid the brass wire in cross segments and created a wood liner on the inside of the band for a different look. Thanks for watching! My Shop: My Instagram: My Facebook: