Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how toheavy metal maniacsheavy metal (musical genre)craftcraftlingscrap metalsculptwindspielbangingheavy metal machinesscrapmetalheadwindchimegarden ideasheavy metalheadbangermetal workingtutorialdecorationmetal constructionheavy metal windmühleweldingwindmillheadbangingmetalideassculpturehead bangingcarftsdiy giftheavywind powermetal forkmaking ofpunkspinninggardenwindmühlegarden decorationmaking of tutorial
Description: Thanks for subscribing 100 times! This projekt was a little welding practice. It is the first "craftling". 😉 I took all my metal clutter and welded it together. Unfortunately, it was not very windy when i tested it...