Channel: Project Zorgo
Category: Entertainment
Tags: reginayoutubemelvinspy ninjachannelchad wild clayvideodeletecwcpz9project zorgodanielregina ginerahackerhackersspy ninjasvy qwaint
Description: Today we will delete Regina Ginera's YouTube channel. We warned the Spy Ninjas to leave us alone, however, they continue to ruin our plans of taking control YouTube, so now they will pay the price of not listening to us! Once we have full control of YouTube, we will be able to control which videos each person watches. We believe that people, especially children, should not be allowed to choose what they watch. If intelligent people, like our PZ Leader, are in charge of what they watch, the internet will be a better place. Be like Project Zorgo and use royalty free background music from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here