Channel: kliksphilip
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: englanddiarycovidvaccineomicron3kliksphilipukcoronavirusaugust 20212021
Description: More of the same, really. So this month I talk about my holiday to Finland. Also, it's been a while since I've felt attacked by anti-vaxxers etc, so it seems like that's calmed down now. This twenty-sixth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Summary 0:35 - New Omicron variant 1:24 - Future unknowns 2:01 - Trip to Finland / Estonia 5:41 - How global is global? 6:47 - Life carries on 8:16 - Covid announcement thing in airport