Channel: yaboiAC
Category: Entertainment
Tags: journeysmemeturtwigdojessiehalloweendiyreviewyourselfcostumelets playpleasevaitcostumesketchumthe seriesmoonchillinpikachucoolest pokemon costumesaquatic charizardgen 4crown tundracommentarypokemon costumesshieldjamespokeanimesunswitchi trydlccharizardcoolestfunnygamingpokemonhomemadecustomcool2020memesswordwithteam rocketashanimeremakes
Description: 😎Become a member of the Aquatic Crew!😎 Members would help support this channel as we grow and take on new ideas and challenges! It's never needed but would be immensely appreciated! Join our Discord! The Aquatic Crew HQ! Check out the website to see the coolest homemade Pokemon costumes Background music by Mewmore #Pokemon#Halloween#Costumes You can support the channel through donations! Never needed but any donation of any kind would be immensely appreciated! Thank you :D 🌟 🌟 🔥Aquatic Styles MERCH🔥: Directly supported by the amazing Aquatic Crew! MrdmLuv2012 Lost / ZBlue / An Alex Skin / Trainer Sparks / AdorkableChan / Phantom Pyre / Mr.Nerd King / beanie bee / Kenta124 / Lethiqa Hope you have a chill day! Thanks again for joining us on the video! My name is Wes, The Aquatic Charizard, and I hope you enjoyed this video! Let me know that you did by liking the video and subscribing for more!