Channel: Spanish With Paul
Category: Education
Tags: spanishspanish vocabularylearn spanishlearnwordsbeginners spanishspanish with paulmini coursevocabularyspanish for beginnersbeginnersspanish lessonsverbsbeginner spanish lessonstutorialspanish verbsbeginner spanish verbsclass
Description: I love teaching verbs that most other Spanish courses don't even touch. It's not because theses verbs aren't used (quite the opposite!) but it's only by living with native Spanish speakers as I do day-in, day-out that you catch onto how Spanish is really spoken. DOWNLOAD THE COURSE BOOKS: A far cry from the sterile, text book, version of Spanish you'll find in most language courses! I've just uploaded this new lesson to YouTube to demonstrate one such verb. 10 PART MINI COURSE SERIES: MONDAY LESSON SERIES: