Channel: Video Digest
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: m&ms commercialthe m on m&msscience with mmnsscience experimentsm&ms made of edible paperm&m experimentdissolving m&ms experimentm&msvideo digestm&ms in waterfloating m'sjim humblem&ms edible paperm&ms experimentm&ms candymmsm&ms candy barvideo digest m&msdissolving m&msfloating mstruth about mmsdissolving m&ms in waterfloating ms m&msm&ms trick
Description: You'll be shocked to learn the truth about that little M... By the way, did you know that there was a cow made of 67,000 M&M'S? Google Corporation offers free M&Ms to all of their employees... Lucky They are so good that M&Ms are even on Amazon: Music Credit: Creative Commons Morning Cruise