Channel: Interactive English
Category: Education
Tags: learn english vocabularyphrasal verb english lessoninteractive englishphrasal verbs for cookinglearn useful phrasal verbsphrasal verbs interactive englishphrasal verbs english conversationcooking phrasal verbsphrasal verbs with examples and meaningsuseful phrasal verbsbuild vocabularyenglish phrasal verbsenglish vocabulary lessonphrasal verbs in englishlearn english phrasal verbsphrasal verbs onlinelearn englishcommon phrasal verbs
Description: Join our email community. Get lesson updates & access the Secret Fluency Lesson 📬 👉 -------------------------- HELP SUPPORT INTERACTIVE ENGLISH 💖 Become a Member on YouTube 🎊 👉 Support Our Lessons On Patreon (awesome rewards) 🎉 👉 -------------------------- ABOUT THE LESSON 📚 Cooking is an essential part of our lives. And that is why it's also essential to learn these important cooking phrasal verbs. The next time you are preparing a meal, you will be able to talk about it easily and effortlessly. If you'd like to review, here are the phrasal verbs from the lesson. 1. heat up 2. warm up 3. turn up 4. turn down 5. pass up 6. eat up 7. pig out 8. chop up 9. thaw out 10. boil over 11. eat out 12. eat in 13. whip up 14. cut down on 15. pick at 16. water down 17. wash down 18. drink to 19. toast to # InteractiveEnglish #PhrasalVerbs LESSON NOTES 0:00 heat up / warm up 1:37 turn up / turn down 2:09 pass up 2:53 eat up (2 meanings) 3:42 pig out 4:37 chop up 5:11 thaw out 5:51 boil over 6:27 eat out / eat in 7:28 whip up 7:59 cut down on 9:11 pick at 9:54 water down 10:51 wash down 11:33 drink to / toast to 13:17 Mini Review -------------------------- LINKS TO PRACTICE & IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH ✅ Improve Your Listening w/ Audiobooks. FREE TRAIL! Eliminate Writing Mistakes ✍ Grammarly: Wes’ Teaching Adventures 🌎 Happy Time Go Fast (South Korea): Watermelon Is Life (Namibia): **Please know that links to Audible and Grammarly are affiliate links. We earn commission through these links. -------------------------- FOLLOW INTERACTIVE ENGLISH 👍 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: -------------------------- OTHER SHOUT-OUTS 💬 Royalty-free images provided by Pixabay -------------------------- MESSAGE TO YOU 😊 Thanks so much for being a part of our community. Learning English is an enriching experience that brings everyone all around the world closer together. Be sure to say “Hello” and write to us in the comments. We love hearing from all of you. THANKS FOR WATCHING!