Channel: Charlotte Rebecca
Category: Entertainment
Tags: nasty gal haulcomfy haulhuge haulsweaterscasual haultry on haulquarantine haulsweats haulstyling sweatsnasty galcomfy lookbookcharlotte rebecca
Description: Check our my clothing haul from nasty gal and get 55% off everything using my code: CHARLOTTE55 Nasty Gal: *55% off everything excludes sale - applicable to Nasty Gal Australia ONLY* MY IG @charlotterebecca__ GET IN CONTACT! If any businesses would like to work with or collaborate with me contact me at and if possible please put 'Business' or 'Collab' in the Subject Title line so I can get to your email quickly and respond ASAP! Thankyou! xx my socials! Instagram @Charlotterebecca__ (yes thats 2 underscores) about me hi my names charlotte and I am a 18 year old gal from melbourne australia who loves making youtube videos and taking instagram pics! this video was kindly sponsored by Nasty Gal :)