Channel: Bay Area Buggs
Category: Gaming
Tags: automodsgrand theft autosapdfrgta 5gta vgta onlinegta 5 sapdfrgta v sapdfrbayareabuggsrole playorange county role playgtapolice pursuitcriminalbaymultiplayer modsmultiplayerfunnygroupmodificationsareaocrpbay area buggsgamingvideo gamemultiplayer with modsgta 5 onlinegrandtheftcommunitygta 5 roleplayfriendspolicepcfivem4kpolice chasebuggshdgameplay60fpsrole playing
Description: Join @CivRyan and myself in OCRP as Ryan tests out his new self-driving Coil car! ►Merch► ►Twitter► ►Instagram► ►Other Links To Contact Me► 00:00 - Intro 00:31 - Going To Liquor Store 02:30 - Sport Mode Activated 03:18 - Finding PurpSkurp 04:27 - Perceptive Update 05:50 - Road Rage Mode 07:19 - Speed Running Alta Street 08:34 - Traffic Stop 12:13 - Coil Car Pursuit 17:04 - Ejecto Seato 17:35 - The Pursuit Continues 17:55 - Destination Reached 19:08 - Kidnapping A Cop 22:50 - Self Destruct Mode Activated #OCRP #FiveM #GTA5RP