Channel: sillySUPERPOP
Category: Entertainment
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Description: GTS wrestling Grim challenges for the youtube championship and wwe finishers in the main event parody of wwe Elimination Chamber 2021 with the GTS Football fallout featuring Grims toy show, Duhop, and more #WWE #WWEeliminationchamber Grim on tiktok: GTS DARK Channel channel: Grim Experience Channel: Save 10% with discount code "GRIM" at ringside collectibles here: BUY GTS TSHIRTS Watch all our videos how they are meant to be on our patreon, click here: please like, comment and subscribe Follow our social media accounts Twitter: @grimstoyshow Instagram @GTSambassador Snapchat @RealGTSgrim Tiktok: @KingGTSGrim Facebook: Thank you all for watching Please tap the bell to turn on notifications Disclaimer for Youtube context: This is artistic movie style content made for entertainment purposes like a television show. it is not real.