Channel: DomTheBomb
Category: Gaming
Tags: twdtelltaleskyboundgta 5robert kirkmanclementine characteryoutube shorttrailertwd gamedomthebombgtathe walking deadshortswalking dead season 1announcementnewstelltale gamesclementinefranklin roastedwalking dead gamewalking dead reactionstwdgwalking dead telltaleskybound gamesdom the bombdomthebomb the walking deadtelltale seriesclementine roasts franklinseason 4gameplayteaser
Description: #shorts #DomTheBomb #clementine #twdg #telltalegames #youtubeshorts #skybound #gta #gta5 Clementine Roasts Franklin (The Walking Dead) Here is a short made of Clementine from The Walking Dead Roasting Franklin in GTA 5! If you'd like to see more TWD shorts be sure to drop a like and let me know what you would like to see made as a short from The Walking Dead Telltale Series! Franklin roasted Grand Theft Auto! Credit goes to @CARL JOHNSON who made this original video and my friend @Threefold Maker who edited this version for me Original upload: TWD season 4 playlist: My YouTube Shorts Playlist: ✅Subscribe to my channel by clicking here: ✅Become a Member of my channel by clicking the join button or click the link here you get emotes, green name, The D icon and more perks: ✅ Follow all my Social Media down below: 💻Discord ➜ ✅Twitter ➜ 📷Instagram ➜ 📱TikTok ➜ 📺Twitch ➜ 👍Snapchat ➜ domthebombyt 📧Email ➜ Upload by DomTheBomb The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series lets players experience the full story of Clementine as she grows from a young girl to a fearless survivor in the series that set a new benchmark for storytelling in games. A light of hope in dark times, Clementine learns from many protectors and endures countless threats in a post-apocalyptic world where the weak perish and the cruel survive. It's up to players who Clementine trusts, who she loves, who she hurts, and what she chooses to protect when she cannot save everyone. #DomTheBomb #shorts #clementine #twdg #telltalegames #youtubeshorts #skybound #gta #gta5