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Claudio Pietronik - Tears of the East (Five killer bundles to be won!)

Duration: 01:37Views: 8.7KLikes: 463Date Created: May, 2022

Channel: JTC Guitar

Category: Music

Tags: guthrie govanelectric guitarpietronikandy jamesclaudio pietronik jam of the monthbluesjamtracksonline guitar lessonsmarco sfoglijtc jam of the monthclaudio pietronikzakk wyldealex hutchingsjtcguitar improvisationjtc guitarjam of the monthjamtrackgreatest guitar playersjam track centralbest guitar playersmay 22 jam of the monthjack thammaratfree guitar lessonsjamtrackcentraltears of the eastjess lewismetal guitar

Description: Get the FREE download right here: bit.ly/TearsOfTheEast This is Claudio Pietronik's take on Tears of the East. get it for free here: bit.ly/TearsOfTheEast Now it's time to give it YOUR spin! *** What can I win? *** Winner prize bundle (Worth £956.91*) ➡️ 2 x 5m LabAudio Signature Cable with Silent Plug ➡️ Ibanez BIG MINI Tuner Pedal + T-shirt ➡️ 2 x SubMission Audio Licenses (GroveBass + Double Tap) ➡️ Neural Plugin of choice ➡️ PerformAxe Guitar Rest ➡️ $100 Gruv Gear Voucher ➡️ Stone Age Agate Pick ➡️ TwoNotes Artist Series Cabinet DynIRs Collection ➡️ Elixir Strings Set (10-46) ➡️ Plus £30 to spend at JTC Plus Two Runner Up Bundles (Worth £274.12*) ➡️ Neural Plugin ➡️ SubMission Audio GroveBass ➡️ Elixir Strings Set (10-46) ➡️ JTC/Ibanez Picks Pack ➡️ £30 to spend at JTC Two Random Entrant Bundles (Worth £40) ➡️ Ibanez Mug + Coaster Set ➡️ Ibanez Water Bottle ➡️ £20 to spend at JTC ------------ *** How do I get the track? *** 1) Hit the link bit.ly/TearsOfTheEast 2) Add the JOTM freebie to to your library. You can create a FREE account if you don't have one. 3) Download the track from the “My Library” section of your account! ------------ *** How do enter? *** 1) Film a solo over the backing and share it on social media 2) You have until June 1st to enter. 9am BST (UK time) 3) Enter as many times as you like. For full rules, hit the link. Use the hashtag #jtcjamofthemonth and be sure to join the Facebook community. facebook.com/groups/JTCJamOfTheMonth ------------ *** How do I win? *** @Claudio Pietronik is this month's judge and he'll pick his winner along with two runners up. He will announce his winner at the start of June '22. ------------ Every download comes with 👉 Backing Track 👉 Chord Chart PDF 👉 JTC Tones Virtual Cab IR 👉 Stone Age Guitar Discount Code 👉 Submission Audio Discount Code 👉 Gruv Gear discount code Sponsor links 🔗 LabAudio: labaudiotechnology.com 🔗 Ibanez ibanez.com/eu 🔗 Neural DSP neuraldsp.com 🔗 SubMission Audio submissionaudio.com 🔗 Two Notes two-notes.com/en 🔗 Gruv Gear gruvgear.com 🔗 PerformAxe guitarscientist.com/performaxe/?v=191a1262fd87 🔗 Stone Age Guitar stoneageguitar.com 🔗 Elixir Strings bit.ly/Elixir-Strings-JTC -- Claudio social -- FB: facebook.com/claudiopietronikofficialpage YT: youtube.com/user/claudiopietronik IG: instagram.com/claudiopietronik ▶️ Subscribe: bit.ly/JTC-YT-Subscribe 🎸 14 day free trial: bit.ly/JTCTrial 🎓 Get personalised feedback from JTC artists: bit.ly/JTCOnlineCourses 🤜 Freebies from JTC Tones: bit.ly/JTCTones 💬 Join our Discord: bit.ly/JTCDiscord 👕 Get merch: jtcmerch.com/store 00:00 Claudio's solo 00:50 How to enter

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