Channel: J Pee
Category: Comedy
Tags: assdickgay sexjesse pepe j peecircle jerkwarning clickbaitcomedy flovgay dicki'm not gaycomedy vlogjpeealoha guyclickbaitcircle jerk with bros (clickbait)homoandy sambergtight abspenisjpee i'm not gayhot guygayno homodick in a boxcomedy musiccomedyjesse pepesnlcircle jerk with brosfrom here on outimnotgaycockj pee
Description: Last week I was alerted to a clickbait video, made inadvertently by myself while trying to show you my dick. J Pee doesn't like do anything half-ass or inadvertent. J Pee also doesn't usually address himself in third person. In any case, I felt like it was only right to try my hand at a legit clickbait vid. Do I put it in the title? I feel like letting you know upfront that it's a clickbait video is the right thing to do here. Or is it supposed to be more of a surprise? Like HA! GOTCHA! TURNS OUT WE'RE NOT JERKING OFF TOGETHER! I don't know. Clearly I have much to learn. But we all have to start somewhere. Oh, and, J Pee baby. I haven't said that in a while.