Channel: Gabe and Garrett
Category: Entertainment
Tags: christmas specialhappy holidaysnavidadgabeandgarrettjesus birthdayopening giftsholidayfamily vlogopening presentssantagabe and garrett christmaschristmas vlogfamily christmasgamesgabe and garrett christmas morningchristmas morningnoelsanta clauschristmas 2017giftsxmasgabe and garretttoyschristmasfamily friendly2017christmas morning opening presentschrist birthdaychristmas morning opening giftsvlogchristmas morning 2017presents
Description: We had a wonderful Christmas and we hope you all did too! Here is our morning of opening gifts this year! They are ages 9 and 11 and most of the gifts are from Santa! #gabeandgarrett #christmasmorning We forgot to show it in the moment, but the reference to the backyard surprise were the ramps! SUBSCRIBE! Follow Gabe and Garrett on social media! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: Thank you for watching the Gabe and Garrett Channel! Music licensed by APM Music