Channel: SplendidIdeasWithMaria
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: christmas decoratingxmas diy giftsxmas decorationschristmas treechristmas diy craftschristmas decorating ideas 2020xmas diy decorationschristmaschristmas diyxmas decorchristmas decorationselegant christmas decorationsred and white christmas decorationschristmas diys decorating ideas for 2020high end christmas decorchristmas home decorchristmas diy ideaschristmas decorxmas
Description: #christmasdiy Welcome to my channel! on this video I show you 5 gorgeous Christmas diys decorating Ideas for 2020 #1 Snow flake Materials from dollar tree Wooden snowflake silver mini snowflakes silver snowflake ornament for center of snowflake white paint, glitter (optional), battery operated lights (Walmart) #2 Mini flower xmas tree From dollar tree glass candlestick holder silver ornament Foam cone Jute twine mini paper flowers (MICHAELS) From Walmart white paint mod podge silver glitter #3 xmas vase flower arrangement From dollar tree glass vase red and white xmas ribbon metallic Hollie berries stems from Walmart white paint red ornament balls #4 xmas tree ornaments from dollar tree merry Christmas wooden ornament 2020 wooden ornament foam board from Walmart silver, red glitter, mod podge optional silver, red diamond wrap to hang ornament. #5 snowflake ornament from Walmart embroidery hoop white paint greenery clips from dollar tree - wooden snowflake, red berries, small flower from bells ornament rhinestones sticker (michaels) Thank you so much for watching, subscribing, liking and commenting on my videos. I truly appreciate your support.