Channel: Clifton Chilli Club
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: pepperpolytunnelchilicondimentgourmetproduct reviewsaucehotsaucereviewcabaiチリspringhabanerogrowing칠리charityplantsfarmingingredientsfarmsomersetchillieschilliproductpeppersالفلفل الحارhot saucehot sauce reviewjalapenopicantepeperoncinoพริกперец чилиpimentachile
Description: With Spring still firmly in the air, we've managed to make a lot of progress with our chillies since March. We now have plants in the ground with many more to follow. Take a look at our progress in this video! Thanks to Premier Polytunnels for helping with the cost of the black ground matting. Check them out here: #chilli #chili #polytunnel #growing #plants PLEASE NOTE: We monitor comments on our channel and we'll remove any profanities or any language that is derogatory, we also delete any comments which have just a link in trying to promote any channel. We wish to keep our channel as family friendly as we can. Thank you. Please share and subscribe and thank you for watching. Also check us out on: Facebook: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: Website: Visit our Merchandise page to buy our branded clothing (UK only) etc: Want to enter one of our chilli eating contests? or attend an event we're at and say hi or just have fun? Please check out our events page: Our nominated charity is' "It's in the Bag"' a Testicular cancer awareness charity. They provide hands-on support for men with testicular cancer in the South-West of the UK, as well as raising awareness of the disease across the region and beyond. It’s in the Bag is run by a group of testicular cancer survivors with support from specialist National Health Service staff. Please feel free to take a look and any donation is very gratefull. Reproduction of this video is prohibited without express & written permission of the Clifton Chilli Club. All material is copyright. You are welcome to share & embed this video from it's original source only. © Copyright Clifton Chilli Club