Category: Education
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Description: Ready to teach your children chess, but don’t know where to start? 🤔 GM Susan Polgar Susan has now distilled her 45+ years of experience into what she considers the ULTIMATE training system for ambitious kids. Get instant access with 50% off! ► To be the parent or coach of a young chess player is a wonderful feeling… Playing chess raises a child’s IQ, improves math skills, develops critical thinking...and gives them a ton of joy as well! But what’s the best way to teach them so that they not only enjoy the game, but also reach the full depth of their potential? Imagine watching your clever little chess nut gradually become smarter, do much better at school, win the occasional chess tournament — AND have tons of fun! It’s possible and here’s how to make it happen: Grandmaster Susan Polgar is a former World Chess Champion and World Class Chess Trainer with FORTY FIVE plus years of chess experience… ...and she knows how to bring children the benefits and joys of chess. After all, she herself won the Girls' Budapest Championship under 11 at the age of 4 with a perfect 10-0 score! With her groundbreaking new course, you are handed a comprehensive chess training curriculum comprised of video lessons, puzzles, and a detailed teacher’s manual created by Grandmaster Susan herself. This video is a free preview of GM Susan Polgar's Method for Scholastic Chess Training. ► Join the iChess Club, an exclusive community for our top chess fans: ► Come check out the shop, we have the world’s largest collection of chess videos and chess courses: ********** Other Videos from iChess ********** ► Subscribe to our main Youtube Channel: ► Check out our Master Method video series: Check out our most recent video: ********** FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL: *********** Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: ********** Our Other YouTube Channels *********** iChess Ch 2: iChess en español: