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Checkmate - Russia Unveils New Stealth Jet Fighter

Duration: 02:36Views: 1.3KLikes: 28Date Created: Jul, 2021

Channel: NHN New Horizon

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: latest russian fighter jets5th generation fighter jetsrussian militarycheckmate aircraft speedrussian jet fightercheckmate aircraft specificationsrussian aircraft6th generation fighterrussian new aircraft 2021checkmate fighter jetstealth aircraftrussian air forcerussia stealth fighterjet fighters in actioncheckmate aircraft russiarussia stealth bombercheckmate aircraft featuresmilitary technology 2021latest aircraft in the world

Description: Russia has unveiled a prototype of its new-generation aircraft called Checkmate. In this video we are discussing that what is new in the Russian new jet fighter Checkmate. Checkmate is the Sukhoi’s 5th generation aircraft. The Russian new Jet Fighter is considered a rival of the US F-35 aircraft. Checkmate is a single-engine and lightweight aircraft. It is lighter than SU-57 aircraft. This 5th generation aircraft can carry five air-to-air missiles at a time. The Checkmate aircraft's large wings enable it to take off and land on short runways. The aircraft is equipped with Artificial Intelligence. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NHN New Horizon Youtube► youtube.com/c/NewHorizon2 Facebook► facebook.com/newhorizon111 Twitter► twitter.com/NHN_Newhorizon Instagram► instagram.com/newhorizonnhn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #checkmate #newhorizon #aircraft

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