Channel: Chris Majestic
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: chris majesticepsonhome theater setupdolby atmosmajestechsways to improve your home theaterhome theater projectorhome theater systemhome theater 2021home theater tourreviewhome theater ideashome theaterhome theater roomdolby atmos home theaterhome theater buildhome theater speakershome theater hacksdiy home theateracoustic panels5 home theater hackshome theater painthome cinema setuphome theater acoustic treatmenthome cinema
Description: Thanks to Keeps for sponsoring this video! Head to to get 50% off your first Keeps order. If you're looking for some cheap and easy ways to improve your home theater I have some options for you in this video. Something as simple as wall paint, acoustic panels, or rugs, carpet, or different furniture can make a huge difference. Be on the lookout for my new home theater tour video soon. Majestechs Website Facebook Twitter Instagram