Channel: BuckeFPS
Category: Gaming
Tags: duo fncs fortnite chapter 3fncs2022 fncsfortnite fncs championsnrg buckeduo fncs fortnite 2022fncs championsbuckeduo fncschapter 3 fncschapter 3 duo fncschapter 3 fncs fortniteduo fncs 2022fncs champions chapter 3nrg bucke fortnitefncs chapter 3fortnite duo fncs 2022chapter 3 fncs championsfortnite duo fncs highlightsduo fncs chapter 3duo fncs fortnitebuckefpsbucke fncsduo fncs highlightsfortnite fncsfortnite fncs 2022
Description: CHAPTER 3 FNCS CHAMPIONS | NRG Bucke Today's video is highlights of me getting 6th place in the 2022 chapter 3 duo fncs qualifiers and shows why we'll be the chapter 3 fncs winners. If you enjoyed this fortnite duo fncs highlights video, be sure to like, comment & subscribe. USE CODE: BUCKE # epicpartner # ad ➡️ Follow me: 🎥 🐦 📷 🎥 Channel Manager & Editor: 🎨 Thumbnail Designer: ►BUSINESS EMAIL◄ #BuckeFPS #NRG #NRGFortnite