Channel: leokimvideo
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: damagetraffic accidentsillydashcamcaught on dashcamangry driversroad rulesbumper carsdangerous drivingroad rageshopping cartcrazystreet dragmad max race
Description: Caught on MY dash cam, all the fun of driving around in Sydney Australia where some of the worlds worst drivers fight it out ot survive the daily commute. You will see! Mad Max drag racers trying to blow up their engines. Road Rage advice where a car wants to turn right and the other is just stuck. Rear End bumper car madness to show every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Ghost Shopping Cart that is all the rage around Halloween time every year. The Pot Hole From Hell that destroys $600 tyres and $2000 rims in an instant. The Amazing turn RIGHT from the furthest LEFT lane at the last second. Bunnings BBQ tent self destructing with a slight breeze and tent experts at hand. Yay for BUNNINGS BBQ SAUSAGE SIZZLE All videos are copyright to leokimvideo. Web Links :