Channel: Liukaa Balk`s
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: cat momcat giving birthkitten meowingnewborn kittenscat mom feeding hdr babiesbirthkitten soundkitten birthsphynx kitten nursingcat mom take care of kittenscat mom talking to kittenssphynx cat giving birthtwo days after kittens birthsphynx catcute newborn kittenscat give birthtiny kittenliukaabalkstiny kitten meowingcat giving birth to kittenshungry kittenscat became a mother for the first time
Description: Cat Became a Mother for the First Time 💞 Two Days After Five Kittens Birth Welcome to the @Sphynx Cats Channel there you will found lots of videos about Sphynx Cats Life And other Channel about Skinny Guinea Pig LUIS Life @Friends Call Me LUIS All so recommend for you🔽 🔸🎥 Kittens nursing so sweet... 🔸🎥 Mommy and Daddy take care about little newborn kittens... 🔸🎥 Birth Of 6 Kittens, Heart touching moments... 🔸🎥 Top 10 Best video you must see... ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ The mother ▪ Pūkė CHALISA ▶ The daughter ▪ Bandita SHANI ▶ The daughter ▪ Chikita MANTRA ▶ The daughter ▪ Angela HELLA COCO ▶ The son ▪ Osiris HERKUS ▶ The son ▪ Archibald HORUS ▶ The Boy ▪ Rango RAMSES ▶ Skinny Guinea Pig ▪ LUIS ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ 🔻Please visit us : Facebook : 🔸 LiukaaBalk's 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Instagram : 🔸 LiukaaBalk's 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Twitter: 🔸 LiukaaBalk's ▪️▪️▪️▪️ #sphynx #sphynxcat #liukaabalks